Coaching and Corrective Action

Part of the Future Professionals learning experience includes fine-tuning and mastering the skills and behaviors of a salon professional. The school team will coach all Future Professionals to correct noncompliant or inappropriate behavior.

The following actions may be inspected for noncompliance:

  1. Attendance and Documentation of Time Guidelines: Attendance, promptness, and documentation of work are cornerstones of successful work practices. Future Professionals may be clocked out, released for the day, or suspended when they do not comply with guidelines.
  2. Professional Image Standards: Professional image standards were created to provide guidance and direction to Future Professionals as they develop their professional image and persona. Future Professionals may be coached and receive an advisory when they do not meet professional image standards.
  3. Sanitation and Personal Service Procedures: Sanitation and personal service procedures have been established to comply with state laws and to provide a safe and clean service environment. Future Professionals may be coached and receive an advisory when they do not follow sanitation and personal service procedures.
  4. Communication Guidelines and Professional Conduct: It is the school’s responsibility to provide a learning environment that is professional, positive, and conducive to learning. Staff and all contribute to a mutually respectful learning environment that fosters effective communication and professional conduct. Future Professionals who fail to follow communication guidelines and who do not conduct themselves in a respectful and professional manner may experience suspension or termination.
  5. Learning Participation Guidelines: The learning participation guidelines have been established to provide a creative, fun, interactive, and collaborative learning environment that empowers students to act as future salon professionals and committed learners. Positive behavior is required to create a mutually beneficial learning environment for all Future Professionals. Future Professionals who fail to meet the guidelines and create challenges for other Future Professionals or staff may be released from school, suspended, or terminated.

Corrective Action Steps

Once a Future Professionals has received five (5) coaching sessions, the Future Professionals may be suspended from school for five (5) days. Suspended Future Professionals may only be re-admitted to school upon paying the administrative re-entry fee. If a student receives two (2) more coaching sessions after re-admission from a five (5) day suspension, the Future Professionals’s attendance may be permanently terminated. A Future Professional may be terminated without prior coaching sessions for improper and/or immoral conduct. Refer to the school Future Professional Advisory Form.

When monitoring Future Professionals for unofficial withdrawals, the school is required to count any days that a Future Professional was out of school on suspension as a part of the 14 consecutive days of non-attendance used to determine whether the Future Professional will be returning to school.

We believe in providing a quality environment with an exceptional educational program. This framework gives everyone the opportunity to enjoy the experience! The entire staff appreciates the Future Professionals’ respect of these guidelines.