Disclosure for Programs Leading to Licensure

The following programs offered at Paul Mitchell The School Denver lead to licensure in the state of Colorado: Cosmetology and Esthetics. We have compiled a list of all states that require licensure for the program you are interested in enrolling. We have identified whether the institution’s program curriculum meets, does not meet, or a determination has not been made yet, for other state’s individual state educational requirements for professional licensure. This information can be located on the school’s paulmitchell.edu website, as well as you will receive a copy in the school’s admissions packet, prior to touring the school.

Please note that the school you are planning on attending has only had their curriculum evaluated by the state that you are attending school in, which meets the state’s requirements for licensure and practice. In determining whether your program of study is acceptable in another state, each state board reviews the number of clock hours you attended in your home state, the subject areas and practical experiences you completed, as a part of the process of determining what, if any, additional requirements you may have to meet in order to be licensed in their state. We encourage all graduates who are considering becoming licensed in another state to first take the licensure exam in their home state, which will make it easier to transfer into another state. If you are not licensed by your home state, the state you are considering getting licensed in may require you to take additional training to meet their state minimum hour requirements and/or take their state licensure exam. State boards do not evaluate the curriculum of schools located in other states, but do, in most cases, recognize training from other states in order to transfer their license.

If, at any time, the program you are enrolled in, ceases to meet the educational requirements for licensure in the state where the student is located, the school will provide written notice directly to the student in writing within 14 calendar days of making that determination.