Grievance Procedure

This Grievance Procedure will be used to process a written grievance or complaint concerning discrimination, bullying, harassment, or any other grievance that a complainant feels have been left unresolved against a student, employee, or third-party. The grievance or complaint will be referred to the School Director and/or School Owner. The following grievance procedures shall be used to address a grievance filed by students or employees, or for complaints filed on their behalf against employees, other students, or third parties. A copy of the Grievance form may be obtained from the school’s Director; however, you may also provide a written complaint by other means as long as it is signed and dated.

In order to facilitate the investigation, the complaint should include details of the incident or incidents, dates and times, names of the individuals involved, and names of any witnesses. A complaint should be filed within seven (7) days from the date of the alleged incident in order for the school to take timely and appropriate action. The complaint once received will be maintained in the Director’s office, which has limited staff access. The school Director has the responsibility of investigating the complaint allegations; however, if it is in the best interest of the parties involved the school may choose another employee.

The time necessary to conduct an investigation will vary based on complexity of the allegation(s) but will generally be completed within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the complaint. If a complainant requests confidentiality, the school will take all reasonable steps to investigate and respond to the complaint consistent with the request. If a complainant insists that his or her name or other identifiable information not be disclosed to the alleged perpetrator, the school will inform the complainant that its ability to respond may be limited.

All complaints involving a student, employee, contract worker, vendor, customer service guest, or other person who does business with the school will be referred to the school’s Director. The Director will begin the complaint process outlined in this policy.

Investigation of Allegations

The school will investigate all complaints received. The school’s grievance procedures are designed to ensure that the complaint process is free from conflicts of interest.

  1. During the grievance process each individual is considered innocent of the alleged conduct until a determination regarding responsibility is made at the conclusion of the grievance process. The school may remove an individual from the school on an emergency basis, provided that the school undertakes an individualized safety and risk analysis, and determines that an immediate threat to the physical health or safety of any student or other individual arising from the allegations justifies removal and provides the individual with notice and an opportunity to challenge the decision immediately following the removal. In the case of a school employee, the school may place the individual on mandatory administrative leave.
  2. All provisions, rules, or practices that are a part of the school’s grievance process for handling formal complaints apply equally to both parties.
  3. The school will make appropriate referrals to law enforcement, if necessary. The school will also notify complainants of the right to proceed with a criminal investigation, while the school conducts its own investigation simultaneously. The school will not wait for the criminal investigation or criminal proceeding to be concluded before beginning its own investigation and acting on the evidence obtained.
  4. The school will dismiss allegations of conduct that do not meet the school’s written policies.
  5. The school will provide equal opportunity for the parties involved to present facts, documentation, and witnesses. Any witnesses listed will be interviewed by the school Director.
  6. The school may, in their discretion, dismiss a complaint or allegations therein if the complainant informs the Director in writing that the complainant desires to withdraw the formal complaint or allegations therein, if the individual is no longer enrolled or employed by the school, or if specific circumstances prevent the school from gathering sufficient evidence to reach a determination. If the complaint is dismissed, the school will give the parties written notice of a dismissal of the complaint and the reasons why.
  7. The school may, in their discretion, consolidate complaints where the allegations arise out of the same facts or circumstances, whether it is complaints against multiple individuals.
  8. Upon conclusion of the investigation into the allegations, the Director will provide a written determination to all parties, as to the final decision and any actions taken.

Students should follow the above process; however, the student may, at any time, file a complaint with the school’s accrediting agency, or the U.S. Department of Education.

Complaints can be filed with DPOS at

Colorado Division of Private Occupational Schools (DPOS)
Department of Higher Education
1600 Broadway, Suite 2200
Denver, CO 80202
Phone: (303) 862-3001

File a Complaint Against an Institution

Please be advised that all of the private occupational schools we regulate are currently involved in implementing COVID-19 contingency plans. Now that all in-person contact with students is prohibited, it is likely that many of the physical campuses and offices have closed. There may be a delay in addressing and processing current and future complaints as communication with school administration and their ability to locate and provide documentation are an integral part of how DPOS handles those complaints. We encourage your patience and flexibility as your school, as well as DPOS, attempts to adjust and adapt to these unprecedented and rapidly changing times. Thank you. Training at, (303) 862-3001.

To file a complaint against a Colorado institution, select a school from the drop-down list and fill out the form, if you do not find the school you wish to file a complaint against, select the “school not listed” option. Your information will be filed with the Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE).

Complaint Form

Fields with * are required fields. Check the form for completeness before submitting.

About the Filing Process

To register a complaint pertaining to a postsecondary institution currently operating in the state of Colorado, the student/complainant must complete and submit this form. Once received by the CDHE, department personnel will review the information provided in order to determine whether the complaint is within the parameters of state policies and statutes, and if further investigation and follow-up are necessary. If the student’s complaint falls within the jurisdiction of state policies and statutes, staff will pursue the student’s complaint. The student/complainant will be kept informed of the progress regarding the complaint. All documentation concerning a student’s complaint will be securely maintained by the CDHE.

To file a complaint with the school’s accrediting agency, the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences, please follow the directions below:

  1. Go to for a copy of NACCAS’ complaint form.
  2. An individual must complete the form and submit it to:

    3015 Colvin Street
    Alexandria, VA 22314

  3. “Student complainants: In accordance with NACCAS’ Standards and Criteria, schools must have a policy and procedure for handling student complaints and inform the students in writing of the same. The notice must be included in the school’s catalog, handbook, other published materials, and/or otherwise prominently displayed in the school. NACCAS shall not consider a student complaint until all procedures and remedies within the institution have been exhausted. A student complainant must show that the institution’s complaint procedure has been followed and state why the matter is considered still unresolved when he/she submits a complaint to NACCAS.”
    “The NACCAS complaint process is intended as a tool for NACCAS to monitor whether accredited schools are complying with NACCAS’ accreditation standards. It is not designed or intended as a means for providing individual relief to the person filing the complaint. As detailed in NACCAS’ Handbook, NACCAS’ Board of Commissioners will not intervene on behalf of individuals in cases of disciplinary action or dismissal, or act as a court of appeals in such matters as admission, graduation, fees, or similar points of issue. If you are seeking relief for personal grievances against the institution identified in your complaint, you are advised to exercise your rights under the institution’s internal grievance policy. If you are not satisfied with the results of that process, you may wish to consult with the state regulatory board or agency that licenses the institution concerning your rights under state law and regulations.”
  4. Upon conclusion of the investigation into any allegations, NACCAS will send the individual a letter notifying them of their decision.

Students will not be subject to retribution upon filing a complaint.