Suspension Policy


The purpose of this policy is to establish a framework for the suspension of students in order to maintain a safe and secure learning environment for all students and staff members.

This policy applies to all students enrolled at our school.

Policy Statement:

Our school has a zero-tolerance policy for certain behaviors that threaten the safety and well-being of our students and staff. If a student engages in any of the following behaviors, they will be subject to suspension/termination. The suspension can be up to 30 days. A suspension can also be used pending an investigation.

  • Physical assault or threat of physical assault
  • Possession or use of weapons or illegal drugs
  • Harassment or bullying
  • Vandalism or destruction of school property
  • Repeated and serious violation of school rules and policies
  • Failure to follow dress code
  • Malicious gossip
  • Attendance
  • Academics
  • Parking violation
  • Smoking on campus
  • Vaping on campus
  • Violation of internet/social media policy including the use of technology for noneducational purposes
  • Violation of the Future Professional Advisory Policy or School Standards on-campus, at a school-sponsored event, externship, off-campus event, and/or field trip
  • Disruptive behavior, which is defined as any behavior that a reasonable instructor believes substantially interferes with the teaching or learning process, whether in a classroom or other learning environment (such as an online platform, clinic classroom, field experience, in an office, or other setting whether it is an on-campus or off-campus location) and continues after an instructor or other school employee’s request to cease. Examples of disruptive behavior include, but are not limited to:
    1. Verbal abuse of or threatening the instructor or other students
    2. Damaging classroom furniture or property
    3. Damaging the property of another Future Professional or instructor
    4. Creating excessive noise
    5. Refusal to comply with instructor direction
    6. Persistently speaking without being recognized or called upon
    7. Refusing to be seated
    8. Unauthorized use of cell phones, laptops, or other relevant technology
    9. Disrupting the class by repeatedly leaving and entering the room without authorization
  • The expression of disagreement with the instructor or classmates is not in itself disruptive behavior. Disruptive behavior also does not include appropriate demonstration of disagreements or differences of opinion, cultural differences, differing values or beliefs, or needing extra time or attention based on reasonable accommodation for disabilities.
  • Sleeping in class is prohibited.
  • Unprofessional communication
  • Lying/Cheating/Stealing
  • Failure to be actively engaged in school-related activities
  • Time Clock Violations: Clocking in and out another student, requesting another student clock you in and out. Leaving the school facility and/or premises without notifying a Learning Leader and/or signing out for a break and remaining clocked in on the time clock and receiving unearned hours; the school parking lot and surrounding businesses are not included as part of the school facility for educational time; this includes exceeding allotted break or lunch times.
  • Tampering is the attempt to alter school records, grades, assignments, or other documents without authorization.
  • Plagiarism
  • Other academic misconduct

*In addition, there may be other behaviors or actions that warrant suspension based on the individual circumstances of each case. If a student is suspended, they will not be allowed to attend classes or participate in school activities for the duration of the suspension.

Suspension Procedures

  1. When a student engages in behavior that warrants suspension, the Advisor/Director or designee will conduct an investigation to determine the facts of the situation.
  2. The student will be given the opportunity to present their side of the story during the investigation.
  3. If the investigation confirms that the student engaged in the behavior in question, the advisor or designee will notify the student and their parents or guardians of the decision to suspend.
  4. The student will be given the opportunity to appeal the decision to the school board.
  5. We may suspend all parties pending investigation.

Written Appeals

Student may appeal a school determination imposed on Student to the Appeal Committee. A student may initiate an appeal within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the school’s decision. The results of the appeal to the Appeal Committee shall be final.

An appeal shall be limited to review of the record for one or more of the following purposes:

  1. To determine whether the decision reached regarding the student was based on reasonable evidence.
  2. To determine whether the sanction(s) imposed were reasonably appropriate for the violation the student was found to have committed.
  3. To consider new evidence sufficient to alter the decision or sanction which was not previously considered because such evidence was not known or available.

The student is required to submit a written appeal to the Appeal Committee, which includes the following:

  • A full description of the student’s basis for appeal;
  • A statement of the remedy the student is seeking; and
  • Any supporting documentation.

Written appeals can be submitted in-person, via mail or email at

Certain Terminations Are Final and Are Not Appealable.

If a student is terminated for violations of the Protected Class Nondiscrimination Policy and Procedures; Anti-Bullying Policy; physical violence; physical altercations and threats of violence or threats of physical altercations; drug or alcohol violations; or weapons violations, if terminated after reinstatement from a termination appeal, such termination is final and may not be appealed separately pursuant to this section.

Return After Termination Appeal

A student returning after a termination appeal shall be on probation for thirty (30) days, during which an additional violation may result in termination. After returning from a termination appeal, if a student is terminated, this termination is not appealable.

Advisory Process Return After Suspension

Additional violations in the first thirty (30) days back from suspension may result in termination.

After the thirty-day (30) probationary period, the Future Professional will have two additional coaching sessions before being terminated again.

Policy Review

This policy will be reviewed annually by the school to ensure that it remains relevant and effective.