Social Networking Policy

Paul Mitchell The School Denver respects the rights of students to use social media during their personal time. Social media includes all forms of publicly accessible communications which include, but are not limited to, written and verbal communications (including podcast and video uploads) and all forms of electronic communication including discussion groups, forums, newsgroups, e-mail distribution, blog postings, and or social networking sites (such as Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, Twitter, You Tube, Friendster, Tik Tok, etc.). Students are personally responsible for the content they publish on social networking sites. Students are expected to treat each other with fairness and respect, consistent with the Paul Mitchell Schools culture.

Paul Mitchell Schools does not permit ethnic slurs, personal insults, obscenity, intimidation, cyber bullying, harrassmentor engaging in conduct that would be unbecoming of a Paul Mitchell Future Professional and misrepresent Paul Mitchell culture. Paul Mitchell The School reserves the right to request the removal of any posts at its discretion and take necessary disciplinary action as appropriate.