Service Animal Policy

Paul Mitchell The School Denver does not allow animals in the school; however, an individual with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act to bring a service animal to school when medically necessary. Procedures for requesting a reasonable accommodation are described in the ADA policy which can be found on the school’s website:

Service Animals

A service animal (dog or miniature horse only) is an animal that is trained to provide a service to an individual with a disability, such as guiding individuals with impaired vision, alerting individuals to an impending seizure, or pulling a wheelchair and fetching dropped items.

Paul Mitchell The School Arlington will evaluate all requests to bring a service animal into the workplace to determine if the accommodation is reasonable and can be provided without undue hardship. Handlers may be asked to bring the service animal to demonstrate the animal’s training and ability to be in the school without disruption.

If an accommodation is granted to allow a service animal in the school, the arrangement may be permitted on a temporary or trial basis. Reasonable behavior is expected from service animals while on school property. Disruptive and aggressive service animals must be removed from the premises immediately and permission to bring the animal to the school will be revoked. All animals need to be immunized against rabies and other diseases common to that type of animal. All vaccinations must be current, and animals must be in good health. For future professionals and/or staff members, current immunization records must be on file with the school. Service animals must wear an owner identification tag (which includes the name and phone number of the owner) at all times.

Animals must be on a leash, harness or other type of restraint at all times, unless the handler is unable to retain an animal on leash due to a disability.

The handler must be in full control of the animal at all times. The care and supervision of the animal is solely the responsibility of the handler. The handler is expected to clean and dispose of all animal waste appropriately.

Handler agrees to assume all liability for the service animal’s behaviors. The handler agrees to comply with all laws, regulations, and ordinances regarding such service animals. The handler shall be personally liable for any damage or loss caused by the service animal’s actions or reactions, including, but not limited to property damage.